Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

November 4, 2010

Province Announces Disaster Financial Assistance Following Severe Weather Event

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Property Owners Encouraged to File Damage Reports from October Windstorms: Ashton

The province has moved quickly to put a disaster financial assistance (DFA) program in place to help individuals and local governments deal with the damage from the Oct. 26 to 28 severe windstorm event, Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton, minister responsible for emergency measures, announced today.
“At this time, it is difficult to determine the full cost of the damages across the province but it is anticipated the amount will be substantial,” said Ashton.  “A number of municipalities face significant costs to repair damaged infrastructure and the government will provide disaster assistance for people and municipalities affected by the severe windstorm event where warranted.”
The hardest hits areas were around lakes Manitoba, Winnipeg and Winnipegosis.
As part of the ongoing recovery effort, property owners are encouraged to submit a property damage report. Property owners can find the necessary information to begin their assessment either by going online at or by calling 1-888-267-8298.  Private-property insurance often covers severe-weather events and people are encouraged to check their coverage.
“We have asked the Government of Canada to cost share a financial assistance program for this severe-weather event under the federal Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements,” said Ashton.
When a disaster strikes, DFA is generally available for evacuation costs, costs to prevent or limit imminent damage and for non-insurable damage to basic and essential property such as principal residences, buildings and other non-insurable losses essential to the operation of eligible farms and small businesses.  Manitoba administers DFA according to federal Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangement guidelines.
Eligibility is subject to federal guidelines.  DFA claims are also subject to a 20 per cent deductible. 
The Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization recommends that property owners take pictures of damages, save receipts for repairs to their property, keep an inventory of anything they throw out or dispose of, and contact their insurance company.
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