Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

March 14, 2013

Education Minister Announces Parent Supports to Help Deal with Bullying

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Government Continues Partnership with Parents to Create School Communities Where Students are Safe: Allan

As part of the government’s anti-bullying action plan, the province is providing resources and supports to help parents deal with the issue of bullying, Education Minister Nancy Allan announced today.

“Parents are a key partner in our work to make schools safe, caring and accepting places for all students,” said Allan.  “We are providing additional resources to give parents the tools they need to recognize the signs of bullying, to talk to their children about it and support them in working with students and educators to stop it.”

The minister announced continued support for Safe Schools Manitoba,a partnership initiative of organizations committed to working together to enhance the safety of Manitoba’s school communities including the Manitoba School Boards Association and the Safe Schools Advisory Committee.  Safe Schools Manitoba offers workshops and resources for educators, students, parents and community members to build awareness and understanding of the problems and solutions that impact the safety of children and youth.

Safe Schools Manitoba is led by Dr. Mary Hall, an expert on bullying and bully prevention, who has worked in the field of education for 25 years.  Hall is available to parents and can provide valuable information on how to approach a school about a bullying concern or where to get help for a child who is a victim of bullying.  The province will provide over $116,000 to Safe Schools Manitoba in 2013-14.

The minister also noted that Safe Schools Manitoba continues to work in partnership with the Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC) to support parents and communities in accessing resources, solving problems or getting help for their children

“Safe Schools Manitoba and MAPC provide a valuable service supporting parents seeking assistance in accessing resources, solving problems, or getting help for their child,” said Allan.

“MAPC understands the unique relationship that occurs between parents and their respective school communities.  We also understand that our parents are there, first and foremost, to ensure that their children feel safe, supported and protected while in the care of the school system,” said Judith Cameron, president, MAPC. 

“Bullying and harassing behaviour in schools cannot be tolerated and we feel strongly that Manitoba Education is putting into place processes that will address this ongoing concern for our members,” added Cameron.  “MAPC has looked at the issue of bullying and harassing behaviours, and has heard from our parents and their children affected by this issue that these supports are necessary to achieve a sense of safety and comfort that every child deserves.  We encourage ongoing dialogue and input with parents as we all work through the implementation of strategies to make our schools as caring and safe as they can for our most vulnerable students.”

Additional parent-friendly supports the province is making available to parents to help them deal with bullying include:

“I would also like to acknowledge our close partnership with the Manitoba Association of Parent Councils and their involvement in helping us support parents in the battle against bullying,” said Allan.  We are  committed to working with students, parents, educators and trustees in providing safe learning environments for all children and youth.”   

Hall, who is director of Safe Schools Manitoba, can be reached by email at or by telephone at 204-233-1595.

Additional information is available at:

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