Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

Prix Ronald-Duhamel - Ronald Duhamel Award

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA March 19, 2014 – Members of Manitoba’s Francophone community and employees of governmental or quasi-governmental bodies at the federal, provincial or municipal level are invited to submit nominations for the Prix Ronald-Duhamel – Ronald Duhamel AwardDuly completed nomination forms must be forwarded to the Société franco-manitobaine by January 31, 2015.  The nomination form is available online at

Officially launched in March 2005, the Prix Ronald-Duhamel – Ronald Duhamel Award will be presented for the sixth time in March 2015 during the Rendez-vous de la Francophonie.

A joint initiative of the Société franco-manitobaine, the Manitoba Federal Council, the Francophone Affairs Secretariat, and the Manitoba Association of Bilingual Municipalities (AMBM), the Prix Ronald-Duhamel – Ronald Duhamel Award was created to recognize an employee or a group of employees of a governmental or quasi-governmental body at the federal, provincial or municipal level for distinguished service to Manitoba’s Francophone community.

The award has been named in honour of Ronald Duhamel in recognition of his significant contributions, first as a senior public servant in the Government of Manitoba and then as a federal MP, minister and senator.  During his career, Mr. Duhamel did much to promote the cultural, educational, economic and political development of the Franco-Manitoban community.  He also supported a number of minority Francophone community initiatives at the national level.


The government of Manitoba is distributing this press release on behalf of the governments of Canada and Manitoba, the Société franco-manitobaine and the Manitoba Association of Bilingual Municipalities (AMBM).