Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

January 23, 2015

New Funding Support Confirmed for Winnipeg Drug Treatment Court

The Winnipeg Drug Treatment Court will receive $1.2 million in federal funding over three years to support the continuation of the program, Manitoba Justice Minister James Allum said today.

“This successful program addresses the root cause of criminal behaviour to give participants the supports and strategies they need to live a productive and positive lifestyle,” said Minister Allum.  “Now that new funding is confirmed, the province will work on restructuring the program to ensure it continues to meet individuals’ needs in the community.”

The Manitoba government will manage the new three-year funding agreement and ensure the program incorporates evidence-based best practices learned from evaluations and experiences to date.

“Were it not for a drug addiction, many program participants likely would not have become involved with the justice system,” said provincial court Chief Judge Ken Champagne. “The Winnipeg Drug Treatment Court has helped a number of participants successfully complete the programs and treatment they need to move forward, remain crime free and become contributing members of the community.”

The province will continue working with the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) and other key stakeholders to ensure programs and treatment services continue.  In addition, the AFM has agreed to continue providing addiction treatment to current clients to support them in graduating from the program.

The Winnipeg Drug Treatment Court receives federal funding as a part of Canada’s national drug strategy.

New funding is expected to be in place on Apr. 1, 2015, and the program will resume taking new admissions when restructuring is complete, the minister said.

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