Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

April 20, 2009

Disaster Financial Assistance Doubled By Province: Ashton

The maximum amount that a private citizen can receive under provincial disaster financial assistance (DFA) has been doubled, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Steve Ashton, minister responsible for emergency measures, said today. A homeowner can now claim for eligible costs of up to $200,000 or the assessed value of their home. 
“As the extent of the damage from this year’s flood is becoming apparent, it is imperative that we do everything possible to help those Manitobans whose lives have been most affected by it,” Ashton said.  “We recognize the costs of residential construction have risen over the years and we believe it is necessary to increase the claim ceiling to reflect those rising costs.”
The province has been working with municipalities to assess flood damage.  A final tally won’t be available until some time after the water recedes, but Manitobans can be assured the program is in place and ready to help them, said Ashton.  It is expected the federal government will share the costs of DFA.  
When a disaster strikes, DFA is generally available for evacuation costs, costs to prevent or limit imminent damage and for non-insurable damage to essential property, such as principal residences, buildings and other non-insurable losses essential to the operation of eligible farms and small businesses.  DFA claims are subject to a 20 per cent deductible.  Individuals are encouraged to first seek assistance through individual insurance claims.
Application forms and further details about DFA are available online at or by contacting the Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization at 204-945-4772 or 1‑888‑267‑8298 (toll‑free).  Applications are also available at most municipal offices.
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