Archived News Releases

Media Bulletin - Manitoba

May 20, 2009

Bulletin #14 H1N1 Flu

Two new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu have been reported in Manitoba, bringing the current total of Manitobans with reported positive test results for the H1N1 influenza to six.
Both individuals live within the area of Brandon Regional Health Authority. Neither was hospitalized.
Manitoba will continue to report confirmed cases of H1N1 flu. Beginning today, the province’s website will be updated when additional reported cases are confirmed, similar to the approach taken by many other Canadian jurisdictions. For more information on reported cases, grouped by regional health authority, visit
The H1N1 flu virus has been present in Manitoba for at least three weeks and more cases of H1N1 flu are expected to occur. As with any influenza type, most cases are expected to be mild and result in a full recovery and some cases are expected to be severe.  Severe illness from flu-like symptoms may be more likely to develop in people who are very young or elderly, and people with chronic conditions which increase the risk of severe illness. 
Promoting healthy living and following routine precautionary measures can help reduce the effects of influenza on individuals and communities:
·         Maintain the strength of your immune system by taking care of yourself and those in your care including eating a healthy, balanced diet, being active and getting enough sleep. If you or someone in your care has a chronic condition, get the help needed for effective care from your health‑care provider.
·         Cover a cough or sneeze by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or sleeve or using a tissue to cover your nose and mouth.
·         Wash hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
If you have symptoms of flu-like illness such as fever, cough, aches and tiredness, you are most contagious for three to four days, but it is possible to spread the disease for up to approximately a week once symptoms start to appear.  If you are ill, you should:
·         Stay home from school or work and limit contact with others to reduce the chance of spreading the virus.
·         Reduce touching your eyes, nose or mouth; cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve or use a tissue.  Wash your hands frequently.
·         Do not hesitate to contact your health-care provider or Health Links–Info Santé at 788‑8200 or
1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) if you are concerned that you may need advice or care.
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