Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

May 28, 2010

May 30 to June 5 Proclaimed Manitoba Access Awareness Week

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Week Promotes Removal of Barriers for a More Inclusive Society: Howard

Labour and Immigration Minister Jennifer Howard, minister responsible for persons with disabilities, has proclaimed May 30 to June 5 to be Manitoba Access Awareness Week, in an effort to raise awareness of barriers and opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
“Many individuals and organizations in this province work tirelessly so that people with disabilities can participate in all aspects of society and make an accessible and inclusive Manitoba a reality,” said Howard. “Manitobans with disabilities have made progress but continue to face barriers that limit their enjoyment of many of the activities that others take for granted.”
The number of people with disabilities continues to increase at a rate greater than the growth of the general population. Almost 16 per cent of Manitoba’s population has one or more disabilities that affect their daily lives and worldwide it is estimated that 650 million people live with disabilities.  
On March 11, Manitoba applauded Canada’s decision to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 
To co-ordinate provincial policy and program initiatives and engage disability community organizations, the province maintains the provincial Disabilities Issues Office. 
Access issues take different forms depending on the type of disability. Some of the other initiatives recently announced to improve the lives of Manitobans with disabilities include the following:
·        Through the Community Places Program, the province assists cultural, wellness and recreation not-for-profit groups to develop or renovate their facilities. In 2010-11, the program will fund 25 projects directly related to disability accommodation totalling $374,000. These grants will be used to leverage total construction costs of more than $2.374 million.
·        New respite day camps, called Stepping Out on Saturdays – Manitoba, will open its doors to children and families affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in four communities across the province.
·        Visitors with disabilities will continue to see accessibility improvements to provincial parks and campgrounds including accessible shower and washroom facilities at Birds Hill Provincial Park and an accessible, family-oriented campground at Winnipeg Beach Provincial Park.
·        The province recently expanded the Portable Housing Benefit, a rent supplement that supports Manitobans with mental-health issues, to all regions of the province. This benefit reflects the government’s commitment to the housing first principle that housing is an essential component of healthy living. The benefit provides a rent supplement of up to $200 per month to low-income individuals who require assistance in finding accommodations.  It is accompanied by services to support and assure a stable tenancy.                                               
“The Portable Housing Benefit will increase the housing options for individuals living with mental illness and enable mental-health service providers to increase their capacity to provide supported housing services that will assist in their recovery,” said Kim Canvin, regional director of the Canadian Mental Health Association – Interlake Region. “The benefit will provide access to better quality, affordable housing in Selkirk and other areas in rural Interlake for people living in difficult situations.”
The official kick-off of Manitoba Access Awareness Week will take place at The Forks on Sunday, May 30, at 2 p.m. Highlights of the week include an awards ceremony to recognize the excellence of individuals, organizations and businesses at noon, Thursday, June 3 in the Legislative Dining Room and a week-long display in the foyer of the Legislature Building to raise disability awareness.  More information on events related to Manitoba Access Awareness Week is available at
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