Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

December 21, 2007

Province Receives Manitoba Liquor Control Commission Report On Enhancing Safety In Licensed Premises

Finance Minister Greg Selinger, minister responsible for the Manitoba Liquor Control Commission (MLCC), today received a report on measures to enhance safety in licensed premises. The report was developed by the MLCC in consultation with a working group made up of industry and other stakeholders.
“I would like to thank the MLCC and working group members for their work in developing a comprehensive list of recommendations to enhance safety in licensed premises,” said Selinger. “We accept the recommendations and will be working with the MLCC and industry to implement them.”
The report presents 13 recommendations including:
·         Amending the Licence Application and Appeal Regulation to allow the commission to require a new applicant for a liquor primary licence to submit a security plan as part of the application.
·         Amending the Liquor Control Act to allow the commission to require a risk evaluation of a licensed premises resulting from a serious incident. The commission would require a licensee to close the premises until a full evaluation is completed and appropriate requirements are implemented. Examples of requirements that could be imposed would include trained security staff per number of patrons or mandatory security systems.
·         Amending the Liquor Control Act to authorize the licensing board subsequent to a disciplinary hearing to require a licensee to post a financial bond against their licence for a period of time to ensure breaches do not reoccur.
·         Adding a requirement for management to submit criminal record checks as part of the licensing process.
·         Establishing a formal committee between government agencies and industry to continue to review issues facing licensed premises.
Other recommendations include establishing industry best practices such as barring entry to problematic individuals, public education programs and recommendations for justice and police.
“Manitoba and the industry have been working together to increase safety such as implementing mandatory responsible service and safety courses and enhancing security features,” said Selinger. “We will continue this partnership to ensure a vibrant industry that is safe for Manitobans.”
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