Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

May 22, 2015

4-H Launches Annual Highway Cleanup Campaign this Weekend

Motorists are reminded to drive with extra caution this weekend as 4-H club members carry out their annual spring cleanup on highways and roads across the province, Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton and Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Minister Ron Kostyshyn announced today.

“The cleanup campaign is an important tradition that keeps Manitoba’s landscape looking beautiful,” said Minister Ashton.  “There are safety measures in place, but we are asking all drivers to be vigilant, drive cautiously and help ensure this is a safe experience for everyone.”

The provincewide campaign will begin tomorrow, weather permitting.  The alternate start date is May 30.

The Manitoba government sponsors this annual event and pays 4-H clubs for each kilometre cleaned.  Last year, nearly 900 4-H members from 38 clubs cleaned 484 km of roadsides and ditches.  There were 2,147 bags of trash collected and 4-H clubs earned $12,775 for their projects.  Recyclable bottles and cans were also delivered to appropriate pickup locations.

“Manitoba’s 4-H clubs take pride in their communities and we are pleased to reward them for providing this important public service,” said Minister Kostyshyn.

All work areas are supervised by adult volunteers and marked with safety signs.  Motorists are asked to be alert for these signs and use caution when passing 4-H highway cleanup crews.  This safety reminder also applies to other modes of transportation, such as cyclists and all-terrain vehicle users.

For the most recent information on road conditions or highway safety, visit, call 511 or follow the Twitter account at

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