Archived News Releases

Media Bulletin - Manitoba

June 2, 2015

Province Advises Speed Limit Increases to 110 km/h on Most Twinned Sections of Trans-Canada Highway West of Winnipeg

Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation reminds motorists the maximum allowable speed limit on selected sections of the Trans-Canada Highway (TCH) west of Winnipeg is now 110 km/h, up from 100 km/h.

The increased limits along sections of the TCH are possible following increased safety measures including improving intersections, paving shoulders, creating rumble strips, and installing better signage and guardrails.

Areas around Virden, Brandon, Carberry, Portage la Prairie, Elie and Headingley are excluded from the increased speed limit because of road geometry and traffic signal locations in these areas.

In 2009, the speed limit on the Trans-Canada Highway from Saskatchewan to Virden (a distance of 47.7 km) was increased to 110 km/h.

Motorists are also reminded to drive according to weather conditions and to obey posted speed limits.

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