Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

October 14, 2015

Province Extends Stable Funding, Expands Eligibility, Cuts Red Tape for More Non-profits

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Strategy Helps Non-profits Improve Services: Minister Irvin-Ross

The Manitoba government is expanding the opportunity for stable funding and reduced red tape for non-profit organizations, allowing them to focus on delivering important services to the communities they serve, Family Services Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross, minister responsible for non-profits, announced today.

“Non-profit organizations perform valuable services for thousands of Manitobans in all walks of life,” Minister Irvin-Ross said.  “By making it easier for them to access stable, multi-year funding and cut through red tape, these organizations can focus on helping the groups and individuals who rely on their services.”

Phase 1 of the non-profit strategy, which was launched as a pilot project in 2011, helped more than 100 organizations, in fields such as neighbourhood renewal, recreation, economic development and arts and culture, Minister Irvin-Ross said.  Phase 2 was launched in August and initially expanded the program to 10 more organizations.

The non-profit strategy is being expanded again, the minister said.  Organizations that receive funding from just one provincial government department may now apply for multi-year agreements as well.  Organizations that receive funding from more than one provincial department, which have not already been included in the strategy, are also welcome to apply at this time, Minister Irvin-Ross added.

“Multi-year funding has allowed our organization to create stability in the programming that significantly impacts the experience of our youth,” said Tammy Christensen, executive director, Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc., an agency that provides services to indigenous youth.  “Youth can be assured that not only will the activities and resources they rely on be available but the relationships they have developed and connections established are maintained and continue to be a support in their lives.”

To be eligible for funding, organizations must demonstrate strong governance, financial responsibility and community support, the minister said.

Organizations wishing to be considered for inclusion in the continued expansion of this initiative are encouraged to visit fill out an application.  Applications must be received by Nov. 20.  

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