News Releases

Media Bulletin - Manitoba

January 18, 2019

Province Advises Increase of Outflows from the Shellmouth Reservoir

The Hydrologic Forecast Centre of Manitoba Infrastructure will increase flows from the Shellmouth Reservoir to 650 cubic feet per second (cfs) in the next few days as part of the annual fall/winter draw down to make room for anticipated spring run-off from the upper Assiniboine River.

The increase will be done in two steps and will be completed early next week.  This increase in the outflow will raise Assiniboine River water levels 2.5 feet downstream of the Shellmouth Dam but only one foot at the downstream end on the Assiniboine River within Winnipeg.  The rise is expected to arrive in Winnipeg in about two weeks.

The province will continue to monitor conditions in the upper Assiniboine River as well as downstream river levels.   

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