Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

July 26, 2007

Disaster Financial Assistance Program Announced for June Tornado and Wind Damage

Up to $1.3 million will be made available for a Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program for areas impacted by June tornados and heavy wind storms, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Steve Ashton, minister responsible for emergency measures, announced today.
“The tornado that ripped through Elie and area was classed as an F4, one level away from the most severe, and we were fortunate that no lives were lost in this incident,” said Ashton. “Municipal and provincial resources worked very well together in responding to the tornado. Moving forward, we are pleased to assist in the rebuilding efforts of those who were affected.”
The June 22 tornado destroyed four homes and damaged several others. Nineteen people were displaced from their homes and a flour mill also suffered severe damage.  In addition, there were reports of related damage in the rural municipalities of Portage La Prairie, Grey and MacDonald.
On June 23, a severe storm produced F1 and F3 class tornados that caused widespread damage in an area through the rural municipalities of Pipestone, Sifton, Cameron, Whitewater, Riverside, Morton, Strathcona and Argyle and Whiteshell Provincial Park.  There are reports of up to 140 sites of damage including one home destroyed and two people displaced from their home. Winds also damaged numerous structures and knocked down the equivalent of 500,000 cubic metres of timber in the Whiteshell area. 
Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) staff have been fully engaged since shortly after the storms, assisting with damage assessments as well as individual and community recovery efforts.
“I’ve directed the Emergency Measures Organization to work with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and report back to me on how we can continue to help municipalities be prepared for sudden emergencies such as tornados,” said Ashton. “We continue to pursue federal participation in a countrywide public alerting system such as CANALERT.”
“The Mennonite Disaster Service, the Salvation Army and Red Cross provided tremendous support and the level of community volunteerism and other support has been incredible,” said Ashton. “We have seen everything from fundraising socials to massive community-led cleanup efforts and overwhelming generosity towards those who are in need. The spirit of Manitobans has risen to the challenge with neighbours helping neighbours.”
Disaster financial assistance is generally available for evacuation costs, costs to prevent or limit imminent damage, and for non-insurable damage to property such as principle residences and buildings essential to the operation of eligible farms and small businesses. Individuals are encouraged to first seek assistance through individual insurance claims.
Application forms and further details about the program are available online at or by contacting the EMO at 945-3050 or toll-free at 1-888-267-8298. Applications are also available at most municipal offices.
The total cost of this program is not expected to reach the minimum threshold for federal cost-sharing required under the national Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements. However, the Government of Canada will be advised of Manitoba’s decision to provide disaster financial assistance in case actual costs exceed the current estimate.  
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