Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

November 19, 2007

Expanded Access To Legislative Building A Canadian First

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Opening of New Ramp Structure Celebrated With Community Groups

The Manitoba Legislative Building has become the first legislative building in Canada to provide full access at its front doors with the completion of a universal access ramp at the front entrance, Premier Gary Doer announced today.
Until the addition of the ramp, universal access to the building was limited to the ramps that led to the basement on the east and west sides of the structure.
“For the first time, all people will have full access to the front doors of this historic and magnificent building,” said Doer.
Cost of the ramp at the main entrance to the Legislative Building on Broadway was $1.8 million. The structure is wide enough to allow two wheelchairs to pass each other safely and includes a circular landing that allows users the opportunity to stop and view the outside of the building and the nearby grounds. There are also designated handicap accessible parking stalls near the entrance to the ramp.
Future improvements to the Legislative Building will include installation of new main entrance doors which will meet the Access Best Practices Code to better accommodate wheelchairs, strollers and groups of visitors. These custom doors are currently being manufactured and will be installed in the next few months. The remainder of the heritage vestibule at the building’s main entrance will also be restored to its original appearance in 2008.
The design of the universal accessible ramp reflects the 87-year-old building’s neoclassical architectural style and incorporates many of the original building materials such as Tyndall limestone from Manitoba.
More information on the Manitoba’s Legislative Building, including visits to the facility, is available at
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