News Releases

Media Bulletin - Manitoba

April 28, 2016

Province Advises Temporary Closure of PTH 59 and North Perimeter (PTH 101) for Concrete Structure Demolition

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Area Closed for 48 Hours May 13 to 15

Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation will conduct a 48-hour safety closure of the intersection of PTH 59 and North Perimeter (PTH 101) for the demolition of a concrete structure as part of the new interchange construction project.
Advisory signs about a detour will be in place well before the closure and notices will be published.  Information will also be issued through the 511 information system and Twitter feeds.

The work will start at approximately 10 p.m. Friday, May 13.  The demolition and removal will be finished before the Monday morning rush hour on May 16.  The most efficient and safe demolition of the structure requires the closure of intersection.

Stakeholders such as the City of Winnipeg, the Municipality of East St. Paul, emergency services and RCMP have been contacted.

Motorists are reminded to slow down and drive safely when they see construction signs and flaggers at the roadside.  Drivers are required to reduce speeds to specific limits in construction zones under the Highway Traffic Act.

The latest information on roads is available at 511 (toll-free), or by following the Twitter account

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