April 9, 2020
COVID-19 Procurement Bulletin #3
Today, the province is specifically calling for assistance from the garment industry to source non-medical cotton gloves, suits, gowns and other products requiring sewing to be used by social service workers.
We ask that businesses and individuals able to provide products or services to contact the provincial government immediately and see how they are able to help.
The Manitoba government is seeking the following items to support the province’s response to COVID-19:
• medical swabs;
• non-medical cotton gloves;
• non-medical cotton gowns; and
• previously requested supplies (i.e., medical gowns, suits, gloves and masks).
On April 3, to add to the Manitoba Protection Plan, the province announced the investment of more than $100 million to accelerate the pace at which Manitoba is procuring essential medical supplies and equipment, hotel capacity and other critical needs to help prepare for COVID-19.
Manitoba manufacturers or businesses able to provide supplies or prepared to re-tool and rapidly scale up production lines to develop products made in Manitoba to help in the fight against COVID-19 can go to the online submission form at www.manitoba.ca/covid19supplies. Once visiting the site, businesses should wait to be contacted by the procurement office.
Shared Health has also issued a call to businesses who have personal protective equipment on hand. If the supplies are in original packaging, clean and in usable condition, and you are interested in donating the requested items, reach out by visiting https://sharedhealthmb.ca/covid19/supply-donations/. Drop-off locations exist across Manitoba in Winnipeg, Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, Winkler and Steinbach.
For accurate, up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, visit www.manitoba.ca/covid19.
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