News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

June 10, 2020

Province Adds 70 Supportive Recovery Housing Units

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Investment Expands Access to Support Counselling and Recovery Programming: Friesen

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Siloam Mission, Riverwood Church Community Inc. and Tamarack Recovery Inc. will receive $2.1 million in funding from the Manitoba government to develop 70 supportive recovery housing units, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen announced today. 
“When people are completing their addictions treatment, they need access to stable housing and a safe place to live,” said Friesen. “The investment in these organizations will help support people as they transition back into the community after completing treatment programs, helping them continue their recovery journey.”
Supportive recovery housing provides a stable environment for adults who have completed their primary addictions treatment, reducing the likelihood of relapse. The organization offering the housing also provides ongoing support for tenants to fulfil their post-treatment plan including gaining employment or going back to school. Currently there are only seven organizations providing supportive long-term programs in Manitoba to approximately 174 individuals annually.
“We are grateful to the Province of Manitoba for helping to fund the 20 supportive recovery units in our old office space at 300 Princess,” said Jim Bell, CEO of Siloam Mission. “This endeavour fits in perfectly with the mental health programs and the other services we offer, and will enable us to help more people transition back into community.”
The province will provide financing for one-time capital costs and operating funding. Siloam Mission will develop 20 units, Riverwood Church Community Inc. will develop 40 units at Riverwood House in Elmwood and Tamarack Recovery Inc. will develop 10 units.
The organizations were selected based on submissions issued last fall, which focus on expanding system capacity for rehabilitative supports in both urban and rural areas, and address the increasing demand for services.
“The Riverwood House Project Team is grateful for the vision the province has to find creative solutions, and we are committed to seeing this investment provide much-needed housing and supports to empower people to move toward full recovery and healthy integration into the community,” said Jon Courtney with Riverwood House.
The $2.1-million investment will allow the organizations to develop program-based housing solutions providing on-site support services with a goal of all units being operational by March 31, 2021. 
“This exciting opportunity means that we can expand our efforts to serve Manitobans seeking long-term recovery from addictions by providing tailored transitional housing support for individuals during the critical post-treatment period in a safe, welcoming and supportive environment,” said Lisa Cowan, executive director, Tamarack Recovery Centre.
Studies show supportive recovery housing is an effective option for those in need of alcohol and drug-free housing accommodations, and improves success rates for addictions treatment. 
Recommendations from the VIRGO and the Illicit Drug Task Force reports both identify the need to add supportive recovery housing units to help meet demand for the service. Funding will be provided through the Canada-Manitoba Home and Community Care and Mental Health and Addictions Services Funding Agreement. 
The minister noted the government has invested more than $31.6 million to improve access to mental health and addictions treatment including $3.5 million for the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre, an investment to expand Project 11, and a pilot project to provide mental health and addictions services to families at risk of child apprehension.
“We are pleased to work in collaboration with community partners to directly support those recovering from addictions,” said Friesen. “We will continue to build on our front-line services to ensure access to needed addictions treatment and health-care services in Manitoba.”
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