July 20, 2020
COVID-19 Bulletin #135
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Public health officials advise the current five-day test positivity rate is 0.83 per cent and 18 new cases of COVID-19 have been identified over the weekend as of 9:30 a.m. today. The total number of
lab-confirmed positive and probable positive cases in Manitoba is now 354.
New cases include:
• 11 cases in the Interlake-Eastern health region,
• three cases in the Winnipeg health region,
• three cases in the Prairie Mountain Health region, and
• one case in the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region.
The high case counts are reflective of an outbreak of cases in several Hutterite colonies. In addition, there are some international travel-related cases and one transport driver. The investigations are all ongoing and any additional information will be provided as needed once investigations are complete to inform people of any public health risks.
One of the individuals announced as a positive COVID-19 case was a passenger on Asiana flight OZ 0704 from Manila, Philippines to Seoul, South Korea on July 7, Air Canada AC 0064 Seoul to Vancouver on July 8 (rows 26 to 32) and Air Canada AC 0296 Vancouver to Winnipeg on July 8 (rows 21 to 27).
Individuals on these flights are advised to self-isolate for 14 days following the flight and monitor for symptoms. Passengers on these flights, but not in the affected seats, should self-monitor for symptoms and self-isolate if they develop.
Additional information about flights and affected rows is updated, when available, at www.manitoba.ca/covid19/flights.html.
While Public Health assesses the risk to others as low, it is sharing this information to ensure people are aware and know to seek testing if symptoms develop.
Visit www.manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for health guidance on how to seek testing.
The data also shows:
• one individual is in intensive care,
• 29 active cases and 318 individuals have recovered from COVID-19, and
• the number of deaths due to COVID-19 remains at seven.
An additional 384 laboratory tests were performed on Friday, 1,390 on Saturday and 695 on Sunday, bringing the total number of tests performed since early February to 76,354.
The testing site in The Pas (328 Fischer Ave.) will have limited hours and be closed temporarily for building maintenance on the following days:
• Monday, July 20 – open from 1 to 4 p.m.;
• Tuesday, July 21 – closed;
• Wednesday, July 22 – closed
• Thursday, July 23 – regular hours of operation resume.
For testing sites and hours of operation, visit https://manitoba.ca/covid19/locations.html.
For up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, visit www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/.
A comprehensive list of Manitoba government COVID-19 measures can be found at:
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Background Information - https://www.gov.mb.ca/asset_library/en/newslinks/2020/07/BG-COVID-19_Bulletin_135-HL.pdf