July 28, 2020
COVID-19 Bulletin #142
Public health officials advise an eighth death related to COVID-19 has been reported, a man in his 70s from the Southern Health–Santé Sud region. This is a new case reported today and the individual was not hospitalized.
The current five-day COVID-19 test positivity rate is 0.4 per cent and five new cases of the virus have been identified as of 9:30 a.m. today. This brings the total number of lab-confirmed positive and probable positive cases in Manitoba to 405.
The data shows there were:
• two new cases in the Interlake–Eastern health region;
• one new case in the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region;
• one new case in the Winnipeg health region; and
• one new case in the Prairie Mountain Health region.
Case investigations are ongoing. When completed, additional information will be provided as needed to inform people of any public health risks.
The data also shows:
• three current hospitalizations, with two individuals in intensive care;
• 78 active cases and 319 individuals have recovered from COVID-19; and
• the number of deaths due to COVID-19 is now eight.
An additional 735 laboratory tests were completed on Monday, bringing the total number of tests completed since early February to 85,702.
Public health officials are updating potential exposure dates at the Sherwood Grocery Store in Gull Lake to July 20 and 21.
People who are considered close contacts of a COVID-19 case will be contacted by public health officials and advised to self-isolate. Others who were at the site on those days do not need to self-isolate, but should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.
If people develop symptoms, they should self-isolate and visit www.manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for health guidance on how to seek testing.
Southern Health–Santé Sud is moving the Winkler drive-thru community testing from Park Street to the Southland Mall, R10-777 Norquay Dr. The site will be closed Wednesday, July 29 ahead of the move and will reopen Thursday, July 30 at noon. The site will operate Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. by appointment only, with access off Kimberly Road. Call 204-325-5322 to book an appointment.
The Prairie Mountain Health region is setting up a temporary COVID-19 testing site from July 29 to 31 in the front parking lot at the Tri-Lake Health Centre at 86 Ellis Dr. in Killarney. The site will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day.
Interlake–Eastern Regional Health Authority indicates that appointments are not required at the drive-thru community testing site in Selkirk, located at 622 Superior Ave.
For up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, visit www.manitoba.ca/COVID19.
A comprehensive list of Manitoba government COVID-19 measures can be found at:
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Background Information - https://www.gov.mb.ca/asset_library/en/newslinks/2020/07/BG-COVID-19_142-HL_.pdf