News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

March 23, 2022

Province Announces New Shared Health Board of Directors

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Eleven Manitobans Selected to Govern Provincial Health Organization: Gordon

The Manitoba government has appointed the first permanent board of directors for Shared Health, Health Minister Audrey Gordon announced today. 

“I’m pleased to announce the appointment of this group of highly-qualified individuals to guide Shared Health at this critical time as we continue to restore our health-care system and address the challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Gordon. “This new board brings together a wide range of experience and expertise that will support the delivery of an accessible, responsive health system that Manitobans can count on in the years to come.” 

The new Shared Health board will be chaired by Dr. Brenna Shearer of Winnipeg, the former chief executive officer of Pharmacists Manitoba. 

“I am honored to be appointed,” said Shearer. “Through this role, I am pleased to serve with a highly capable board of Manitobans who bring a diverse set of skills and experiences to our shared commitment. In collaboration with all the board directors and the management of Shared Health, we look forward to contributing to Manitoba’s health services growth, productivity and sustainability.” 

Directors have been appointed to staggered terms of one, two or three years to promote healthy turnover while ensuring board stability, noted the minister. Those seeking reappointment will be able to serve for a maximum of six consecutive years. The board of directors includes:

  • Laurie Campbell (Killarney, one-year term);
  • John Douglas (Winnipeg, one-year term);
  • Gordon Hrynyk (Winnipeg, two-year term);
  • Celia Kaufman (Winnipeg, one-year term);
  • Ken Lamoureux (Winnipeg, three-year term);
  • Brenda Martinussen (Balmoral, three-year term);
  • Nathan Peto (Portage la Prairie, three-year term); 
  • Nicole Stefaniuk (Winnipeg, two-year term);
  • Keren Taylor-Hughes (Winnipeg, two-year term); and
  • Doris Young (The Pas, two-year term). 

The Shared Health board is accountable to the health minister and is responsible for the mandate, resources and performance of the organization. The board must ensure the organization complies with applicable legislation, regulations and provincial policies.

For more information about Shared Health, visit

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