August 12, 2022
Manitoba Government Provides Nearly $280,000 to Support Ethnocultural Community Projects
The Manitoba government is providing nearly $280,000 in grant funding to 22 non-profit organizations that provide ethnocultural programming, Sport, Culture and Heritage Minister Andrew Smith announced today.
“Our province is elevated by the work of the many ethnocultural organizations who foster knowledge and appreciation of diversity through their programming,” said Smith. “I commend the ongoing efforts of these organizations, who maintain vibrant cultural communities that make Manitoba a better place to live for everyone.”
The Ethnocultural Community Support Program (ECSP) is a grant program that supports non-profit ethnocultural organizations that provide programming such as anti-racism, interfaith, multicultural and youth activities.
In all, this year’s grants total $279,866.00 and include:
· $19,500 to the Canadian Polish Congress for celebrations commemorating the anniversary of Constitution Day and other important dates;
· $23,801 to the Jubaland Community Association of Manitoba for the Your Footstep Program, which offers year-round workshops where community elders provide instruction and support to Somali youth;
· $20,450 to the Manitoba Bangla Learning Centre for year-round curriculum-based cultural programming for Bengali youth and cultural celebrations; and
· $18,500 to the Okin International Club of Canada for an accredited Yoruba language program offered through Winnipeg School Division, as well as a virtual cultural festival and exhibition.
The ECSP focuses on projects that:
· preserve, enhance, promote and share Manitoba’s rich and diverse cultural heritage;
· encourage the development of partnerships between ethnocultural communities to foster intercultural understanding, harmony and equality;
· support the retention of heritage languages in Manitoba;
· promote anti-racism and successful inclusion; and
· support multiculturalism values and the efforts of ethnocultural youth in communities.
For more information about the ECSP, including applications, visit:
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Backgrounder - https://www.gov.mb.ca/asset_library/en/newslinks/2022/08/BG-2022_Ethnocultural_Community_Grants-SCH.pdf