News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

September 13, 2022

Manitoba Government Announces Significant Support through Spring Flood Disaster Financial Assistance Program

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Application Deadline Fast Approaching: Piwniuk

The Manitoba government has received more than 1,800 applications from Manitobans for support through the Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program after spring flooding caused extensive damage throughout the province, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk announced today.

“The spring flood of 2022 will be remembered for the sheer size and scope of damage it caused across our province, and our government understands that many individuals and communities need support to recover,” said Piwniuk. “We are pleased to be able to offer assistance through the DFA program and encourage all eligible Manitobans to apply.”

Manitoba experienced unprecedented flooding in spring because of high winter snowpack and storms throughout April, May, June and July that brought a mix of snow, freezing rain and rain that created high river and lake levels and substantial overland flooding. Private residences, farms, small businesses, non-profit organizations, provincial and municipal infrastructure were impacted.

This year’s DFA program was established on May 9 while spring flooding was still underway to ensure timely assistance for affected Manitobans. Since then, the province has received approximately 115 municipal claims involving more than 6,900 sites across the province, as well as 1,800 private applications. The DFA program is expected to provide tens of millions of dollars in assistance, the minister said.

Municipalities, primary residences, farms, small businesses and non-profit organizations with impacts related to spring flooding that occurred from March 20 to July 20 of this year may apply to the DFA program, the minister said. The deadline for applications is Sept. 23.

The DFA program assists with uninsurable losses to basic and essential property but does not provide financial assistance for losses related to sewer backup, cottages, secondary properties or loss of income or opportunity.

Manitobans are reminded to review home insurance policies and speak with insurance providers, as many providers offer overland flood insurance.

Manitoba continues to work with the federal government to ensure Manitoba’s 2022 Spring Flood DFA program is cost-shared under Canada’s Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements.

Manitoba has also established the Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP), which incentivizes municipalities to invest DFA cost-share support in mitigation to protect against future disasters. Many municipalities have already submitted projects for consideration under the MPP and the Manitoba government encourages all eligible municipalities to apply before the deadline.

For more information on the DFA program or to apply, visit

Municipalities interested in applying for the MPP should visit

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