Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

April 13, 2009

Disaster Financial Assistance Approved by Province: Ashton

Provincial disaster financial assistance (DFA) is available to deal with the damage from this year’s spring flooding, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Steve Ashton, minister responsible for emergency measures, said today.
“The devastation caused by ice over the last couple of weeks and, particularly in the last couple of days, has been significant,” Ashton said.  “DFA cannot fully replace what’s lost, but it can provide some relief, where insurance is not available, for those affected by this event.
“I, along with many of my colleagues, have visited communities up and down the Red River. We’ve been humbled and heartened by the profound response of Manitobans in coming together to add even more strength to flood protection measures to deal with spring flooding. I know that we’ll continue to see that community spirit as neighbours continue to help neighbours in the coming days.”
Ashton noted that regular updates have been provided to the federal government about Manitoba flooding and expects the federal government will share the costs of disaster financial assistance (DFA).  
When a disaster strikes, DFA is generally available for evacuation costs, costs to prevent or limit imminent damage, and for non-insurable damage to essential property such as principal residences, buildings and other non-insurable losses essential to the operation of eligible farms and small businesses.  Individuals are encouraged to first seek assistance through individual insurance claims.
Application forms and further details about DFA are available online at or by contacting the Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization at 204-945-4772 or (toll-free) 1‑888‑267‑8298. Applications are also available at most municipal offices.
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