May 9, 2023
Manitoba Government Accepting Applications for New Advisory Council on Economic Immigration and Settlement
The Manitoba government is accepting applications for the new Advisory Council on Economic Immigration and Settlement (ACEIS), which will inform the implementation of the Report of the Immigration Advisory Council, including the development of a provincial economic immigration and settlement strategy, Labour and Immigration Minister Jon Reyes announced today.
“Our government is committed to advancing Manitoba’s economic prosperity and bolstering our province’s legacy as a leader in immigration,” said Reyes. “This new council will develop strategic initiatives to attract immigrants to Manitoba, streamline the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program and enhance settlement services, as recommended in the Report of the Immigration Advisory Council released in February.”
As it provides advice on a comprehensive, multi-sector strategy for economic immigration and settlement, the council will give particular consideration to:
- addressing labour shortages and unique labour needs in the capital region and other regions throughout the province;
- fostering economic development in areas outside the capital region; and
- maintaining and growing Manitoba’s francophone population.
Up to 12 community members who reflect the regional, economic and cultural diversity of Manitoba will be appointed to the council. Members will serve 12-month terms starting in June 2023 and ending in June 2024. The deadline for applications is midnight on May 26.
To read the Report of the Immigration Advisory Council, https://immigratemanitoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/immigration-council-report_en.pdf.
For more information on the ACEIS and how to apply, visit https://immigratemanitoba.com/aceis/.
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