Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

June 23, 2010

Finance Minister Honoured for Decade of Service to the Legislators' Forum

MOORHEAD, MINN.—Finance Minister Rosann Wowchuk was honoured and recognized here yesterday at the annual conference for her 10 years of dedication and service to the Legislators’ Forum.
The Legislators’ Forum is comprised of eight legislators from each of the four jurisdictions of Manitoba, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. Officials met for the first time in 2001 in response to recommendations made from the International Flood Mitigation Initiative. 
“To receive acknowledgement and support in such a regard from my peers is truly something I’m thankful for,” said Wowchuk. “I feel the work we’ve done as a group has brought a significant amount of cross-border understanding on common issues. The work we have done on cross-border trade, tourism, water issues and drug awareness has made a difference in the progress and development of our province and these states.”
Various issues are discussed as to how the regions could work co-operatively and share expertise in the areas of flooding along the Red River, tourism, energy, agriculture along with animal health and food safety.
The Legislators’ Forum meets annually. Manitoba hosted the first conference in 2001 and again in 2005 and 2009. Last year the conference was held in Gimli. 
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