June 24, 2011
Province Establishes Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park
– – –New Park is Manitoba's 85th: Blaikie
Little Limestone Lake has been established as Manitoba’s newest provincial park, protecting more than 4,800 hectares, Conservation Minister Bill Blaikie announced today.
Little Limestone Lake is a marl lake. The water of a marl lake turns from clear to a stunning opaque turquoise or even a milky blue-white in warm summer weather.
“This lake is true sign of mother nature’s beauty, and experts consider it to be the largest and most outstanding example of a marl lake in the world,” said Blaikie. “By designating it part of a provincial park we are taking the step that will protect it for generations to come.”
This is the fourth new park to be established this year and adds to Manitoba’s total protected areas network of 6.5 million hectares, Blaikie added.
A memorandum of understanding with the Mosakahiken Cree Nation (MCN) has also been reached which outlines a co-operative approach to managing the lake’s ecological integrity. First Nations and other Aboriginal people’s rights to access this area for hunting, trapping, fishing and other traditional pursuits will be respected, the minister said. Commercial fishing as presently conducted by members of MCN will also continue in the new park, said Blaikie
MCN is working with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) on managing the area.
“Mosakahiken considers protection and co-operative management of the lake and the land that supports it to be a high priority. Our memorandum of understanding with the province marks the launch of a process to explore expanding the park’s boundaries and ensures sustainable economic tourism opportunities for our community. We look forward to continuing our partnership with CPAWS and working with the province and local stakeholders to make certain Little Limestone Lake remains healthy forever,” said Chief Phillip Buck of Mosakahiken Cree Nation.
Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park is located approximately 450 kilometres north of Winnipeg, 65 kilometres north of the community of Grand Rapids and adjacent to Mosakahiken Cree Nation Reserve parcel 31J.
Photos, maps and information on the new park will be available at www.manitobaparks.com.
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