Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

November 16, 2001

Photo Enforcement Bill Introduced In House

Photo Enforcement Bill Introduced In House

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Public Safety a Priority In Use of New Tools: Ashton

Transportation and Government Services Minister Steve Ashton today introduced proposed legislation permitting the use of photo enforcement devices by municipal law enforcement agencies to improve public safety on roads and streets across the province.

The proposed amendments to the Highway Traffic Act would permit the use of photo radar devices in school zones, playground zones and construction areas. The changes would also permit the installation of cameras at intersections controlled by signal lights to record red light violations and speeding offences.

"Manitoba is introducing this traffic safety initiative to further protect the lives of our citizens and make our roads safer," said Ashton. "This important legislation will allow local authorities to use new law enforcement tools to address speed-related problems and safety concerns in high-risk areas."

The legislation would allow the use of mobile or permanently mounted cameras at intersections or in the specified areas. When a violation occurs, the ticket would be mailed to the registered vehicle owner within 14 days of the offence. Photo enforcement generated tickets would not result in demerit points on a driver licence.

Other provisions of the proposed legislation include:

  • Municipalities would have to apply to the province for authorization to use photo enforcement systems.
  • Municipalities would use the photo enforcement systems only in the specified areas and under certain terms.
  • Obstructing the vehicle licence plate to avoid recording by the enforcement devices would be prohibited.
  • System testers and a requirement for regular testing of the devices to ensure proper system operation would be designated.
  • Access to the registered vehicle owner's name and address would be allowed for vendors contracted by a municipality to prepare the offence notices.
  • The ticket would be sent by regular mail within 14 days following the date of the violation.

"The potential safety benefits of using this technology in areas of high concern is our motivation for implementing this legislation," said Ashton. "Too many Manitobans are placed at risk because of excessive speed and the running of red lights and this technology will help law enforcement agencies to address that concern."

Photo enforcement devices such as red light cameras are presently used in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Alberta and worldwide in numerous countries. Ashton noted that photo radar has had successful results in certain jurisdictions as a supplement, but not a substitute for, traditional law enforcement.

The City of Winnipeg is currently piloting a red light camera system at Sherbrook Street and Broadway Avenue.

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