October 16, 2013
Manitoba First Province to Proclaim Islamic History Month
– – –Flourishing Muslim Community Adds to Province's Rich Cultural Diversity: Melnick
A proclamation to recognize and celebrate the history and heritage of Manitoba Muslims has been officially unveiled at the Legislative Building, marking the first time a province has designated Islamic History Month, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Christine Melnick announced today.
“In Manitoba we value and cherish our ethnic diversity, to which the Muslim community contributes so richly,” said Melnick. “We are fortunate to share cultural traditions with our neighbours in a spirit of inclusiveness and co-operation, and I’m proud the province is supporting this proclamation to highlight the principles of multiculturalism and social harmony.”
“Muslims of Manitoba are very happy and honoured our province is embracing Islamic History Month,” said Shahina Siddiqui, chair, Islamic History Month Canada. “We are pleased to celebrate, inform, educate and share with fellow Canadians the Muslim cultural heritage and believe that through education and discussing positive stories we help build a more inclusive, compassionate and multicultural Canada.”
The term Islamic is used to identify predominantly Muslim countries and states throughout history. Manitoba’s Muslim community has grown to more than 9,000 people from 48 different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
It is estimated that, by 2031, more than 25 per cent of Winnipeg’s population will be people from visible minority communities.
“Immigration has always been important to Manitoba’s success and we now have more than 145 different languages spoken and almost 200 countriesrepresented here,” Melnick said. “Our ability to preserve the best of so many diverse cultures and learn from each other’s customs is key to our future success and a model for the rest of the world.”
More information on Islamic History Month in Manitoba is available at the Multiculturalism Secretariat website at www.gov.mb.ca/immigration/events.html.
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