November 14, 2013
Government of Manitoba's New Jobs and Skills Agenda to Connect More Manitobans with Good Jobs: Minister
– – –New Centre Integrates Apprenticeship, Employment and Workforce Development
Jobs and Economy Minster Theresa Oswald opened the first Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre today, providing a one-stop centre for employers and job seekers by bringing together the Manitoba government’s apprenticeship, employment and workforce development services all under one roof.
“Manitoba’s economy has been steadily growing, despite uncertainty in economies around the world, but we know for our homegrown businesses to expand and thrive, we need to build our skilled workforce and connect more people with jobs,” said the minister. “This new centre means there will be no wrong doors for employers or job seekers, and it’s another important step forward in building the skilled work force our economy needs.”
The new Jobs and Skills Development Centre is a part of Manitoba’s plan to add 75,000 more workers to the labour force by 2020. It will provide front-line assessment that ensures workers get to the services they need, whether they are provided by government, community or industry, the minister said. Services include employment/career consulting services, information on apprenticeship and other skills training and upgrading opportunities, as well as assistance for businesses with enhancing their human resource capacity.
“We are very pleased that the province is providing significant opportunities for employers and individuals to access employment and training services,” said John Schubert, president, McCaine Electric Ltd., and chair of the Advisory Council on Workforce Development. “This will help develop our workforce and ultimately enhance the economy of Manitoba.”
“There are more people working in Manitoba than any other point in our history. But we know that to keep building, we need to grow our skilled labour. That’s why we’re working closely with businesses, labour and our colleges and universities to meet the growing need,” said the minister. “Together we’ll create thousands of good jobs for families and ensure our economy is strong and growing.”
The recent speech from the throne outlined a series of commitments to create good jobs and grow the economy through skills training including:
- establishing new initiatives to connect apprentices to employers and expand opportunities in the skilled trades;
- providing better career planning options and co-op work placements for high school students;
- investing in tools to bridge the path between school and career; and
- making integrated services available soon in employment centres across the province, strengthening access for individuals and employers in rural and northern areas.
For more information on education, training and employment services, visit www.gov.mb.ca/tce/index.html.
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