Archived News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

February 28, 2008

Province Announces Settlement Of Mosakahiken Cree Nation Comprehensive Forebay Agreement

Moose LakeAboriginal and Northern Affairs Minister Oscar Lathlin has announced the completion of the forebay agreements process relating to adverse effects from hydroelectric development for the Mosakahiken Cree Nation.
The official agreement was signed at Mosakahiken Cree Nation today by Lathlin, Ruth Kristjanson from Manitoba Hydro and Chief Philip Buck.
“Our government is determined to continue the important work needed to resolve outstanding issues resulting from previous hydroelectric development,” said the minister. “I am pleased that future hydroelectric development in northern areas now means increased employment and economic opportunities for people living in the north.”
“We want to thank the community leadership for working with us to resolve the outstanding issues and look forward to establishing a new relationship with the community as we move forward,” said Manitoba Hydro president and CEO Bob Brennan.
Lathlin noted this is the fourth and final forebay agreement to be completed in a process that started in the 1960s and was built on an agreement in principle signed in 2000. Previous comprehensive agreements have been completed with the Chemawawin Cree Nation and the Aboriginal and Northern Affairs communities of Easterville and Moose Lake.
The agreement includes financial compensation, allocation of land and provisions for joint natural resources management.
Mosakahiken Cree Nation is approximately 470 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg.
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