June 9, 2016
Agriculture Minister Presents to Senate Standing Committee on International Market Access Priorities
Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler made a presentation to the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on June 7, providing Manitoba’s perspective on international market access priorities and making recommendations.
“Improving market access is critical for the competitiveness of Manitoba’s export-dependent sectors,” said Eichler. “Manitoba Agriculture is ready to work together with our global partners. This dialogue was an important first step by our government in ensuring economic growth in this province’s agriculture industry.”
Eichler appeared in front of the committee via teleconference. The Senate standing committee has been formally hearing from stakeholders and government officials on international market access priorities for the Canadian agricultural and agri-food sector since Feb. 4.
The presentation by Eichler to the committee included an overview of Manitoba’s strengths in agri-food exports, concerns about international market access, and recommendations on policy, investment and regulations related to agricultural export and trade.
As part of the presentation, Eichler reinforced Manitoba’s support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement for the purpose of expanded export opportunities and protection of jobs. He also revisited a priority of the new Manitoba government to reduce red-tape restrictions in government policy, which he indicated would provide further support to trade.
More information and a list of presentations to the committee is available online at www.parl.gc.ca/sencommitteebusiness/CommitteeMeetingSchedule.aspx?parl=39&ses=1&Language=E&comm_id=1002&searchMeetings=1&fromDate=2016-01-06&toDate=2016-10-06.
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