June 28, 2016
Province Working with Partners to Ensure A Sustainable Pathway for Midwifery Students
The Manitoba government is working with the University College of the North (UCN) and the University of Manitoba (U of M) to establish a new educational pathway for students enrolled in the midwifery program offered through UCN, Education and Training Minister Ian Wishart confirmed today.
“Manitoba’s new government is committed to providing quality health-care training that supports the needs of Manitoba women and families,” said Wishart. “Midwifery services are a critical part of this plan and we remain committed to the students who have completed the first year of UCN’s bachelor of midwifery program, which is delivered at the U of M.”
Midwifery is a regulated health profession in Manitoba. Midwives care for women and newborns in communities, homes, clinics, birth centres and hospitals. Manitoba midwives work throughout the province including northern and rural areas.
“We are working collaboratively with the post-secondary institutions to establish an accredited, sustainable and ongoing midwifery program,” added Wishart. “We also respect that universities and colleges have the authority over their own program development including curriculum and program design.”
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