February 2, 2017
Province Cost Shares Six New Urban Highway Fund Projects
– – –Over $3 Million Investment in Manitoba Roadways: Pedersen
BRANDON—The Manitoba government will cost share six new projects with communities in the eastern, south-central and southwest regions of Manitoba including reconstruction of a section of PTH 1A in Brandon, Infrastructure Minister Blaine Pedersen and Assistant Deputy Mayor Barry Cullen, City of Brandon, announced here today.
“We are proud to work with our municipal partners on improving the safety and quality of our roadways in communities across the province,” Pedersen said. “Our government has promised predictable and stable funding for infrastructure in Manitoba. These new projects announced under the Urban Highway Fund will improve important access ways and further enable economic activity in these regions.”
The minister noted new projects planned to start in 2017-18 include:
- reconstruction of PTH 1A in Brandon from 34th Street to west of 38th Street;
- intersection improvements on PTH 3 at McCreary Road;
- intersection improvements on PR 334 and Taylor Farm Road;
- intersection improvements on PTH 32 at Hespeler Avenue and upgrades to portions of PTH 32, shoulders and driveway access;
- drainage improvements and utility relocation on PR 332 in the vicinity of Starbuck; and
- paving provincial roads in Pilot Mound on PA 658 from Victoria Avenue to Mound Avenue and Broadway Avenue between Frazer Avenue and PTH 3.
“The City of Brandon welcomes the opportunity to work with the province in rebuilding this section of a heavily travelled roadway in our city,” said Cullen, who participated in the announcement made here today along PTH 1A.
Motorists are reminded to slow down and use caution approaching and in construction zones for their own safety and the safety of workers.
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