October 10, 2017
Mary Beth Dolin Meritorious Fire Service Awards Presented
– – –Long, Distinguished Service Honoured: Pedersen
Growth, Enterprise and Trade Minister Blaine Pedersen, minister responsible for the Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC), announced today that two long-serving members of Manitoba’s firefighting community are this year’s recipients of the Mary Beth Dolin Meritorious Fire Service Awards for their outstanding contributions to Manitoba.
“These individuals exemplify the leadership, excellence and outstanding achievements that help make this province as safe as possible,” said Pedersen. “The commitment to the protection of their community and their dedication to duty is an inspiration to all.”
The recipients of the Mary Beth Dolin Meritorious Fire Service Awards are:
- John Maskerine – fire chief of Thompson Fire and Emergency Services; and
- Garry Bell – retired deputy fire chief, Brandon Fire and Emergency Services.
This award was created to commemorate Mary Beth Dolin’s spirit of public service, which was exemplified by her unselfish dedication to duty, the minister said. Dolin was dedicated to public service both as a teacher and school administrator, and also as a member of the Manitoba legislative assembly. Maskerine and Bell are the 34th and 35th recipients of this award, and were recognized at a reception held at the Legislative Building today.
The minister reminded Manitobans it is Fire Prevention Week in Manitoba and the focus of this year’s campaign is ‘Every Second Counts: Plan Two Ways Out’, which encourages people to create and practice an escape plan with at least two escape routes from every room.
To find out more about Fire Prevention Week programs and activities across the province, contact the OFC at www.firecomm.gov.mb.ca. To learn more about how to prepare a home escape plan visit www.firepreventionweek.orgor www.sparky.org/fpw.
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Background Information - https://www.gov.mb.ca/asset_library/en/newslinks/2017/10/BG-Mary_Beth_Dolin_Awards-GET-OFC.doc