News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

October 27, 2020

Province Invests in Futurpreneur Youth Pandemic Recovery Project

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Funding Supports Young Entrepreneurs to Launch and Sustain Businesses: Eichler

The Manitoba government is providing $750,000 to Futurpreneur to support a three-year youth economic recovery project to combat the economic effects of COVID-19, Economic Development and Training Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.
“Our government is proud to take proactive action by providing support to young entrepreneurs, who are an integral part of our plan to restart and recover our economy,” said Eichler. “Futurpreneur has a strong track record of coaching and mentoring young entrepreneurs both in Manitoba and nationally and we believe they will be an invaluable resource to the innovative and ambitious young people who will be critical to building Manitoba’s future economy.”
Manitoba’s support will leverage a total of $4 million in federal government and private-sector investments and is expected to result in 150 new businesses and 400 jobs over three years, the minister said.
“We’re very grateful for this support from the government of Manitoba as we increase our efforts to help diverse, young entrepreneurs age 18 to 39 launch successful businesses across the province,” said Karen Greve Young, CEO of Futurpreneur Canada. “The businesses we support with our loan financing, mentorship and specialized resources are pillars of their communities, contributing to local economic growth and prosperity, while also creating jobs and fostering the vitality of main streets in communities large and small. Their success will be critical to Canada’s inclusive economic recovery in the months and years ahead.”
The project will help young entrepreneurs launch and sustain successful businesses by providing them with access to financing, hands-on support from Futurpreneur business experts, up to two years of mentorship from one of Futurpreneur’s volunteer mentors, as well as tailored programs and specialized resources designed to help small businesses grow. 
“Manitoba is a national leader in our restart programs to help our economy rebound from the effects of COVID-19,” said Eichler. “The youth employment increase is a testament to our strong programming for young Manitobans, which are now further supported by our investment in Futurpreneur.”
The investment further supports Manitoba’s #RestartMB plan to safely reopen and rebuild the economy. Last month, the minister highlighted recent economic indicators from Statistics Canada that showed the province’s employment numbers increased by 8,100 from July to August. Economic indicators also showed youth employment increased by 4,400 in Manitoba, further indication that Manitoba’s youth-focused programs are achieving results.
Learn more about #RestartMB at For more information on Futurpreneur, visit
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