News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

August 6, 2021

Province Provides Progress Report of Maples Care Home COVID-19 Outbreak Review

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Progress Made on Recommendations from External Review of Care Home Outbreak, Short Term Tasks Completed: Stefanson

The Manitoba government has released a progress report on the implementation of the recommendations provided in the review of the COVID-19 outbreak at Maples Long Term Care Home, Health and Seniors Care Minister Heather Stefanson announced today.
“A substantial amount of work has been done on implementing the recommendations we received after the COVID-19 outbreak at the Maples Long Term Care Home,” said Stefanson. “We have made significant progress towards ensuring an outbreak like this doesn’t happen again.”
In the last three months, all the short-term recommendations have been completed. As well, all recommendations and tasks specifically assigned to the Maples Long-Term Care Home have also been completed.

An outbreak was declared at the Maples Long Term Care Home in Winnipeg on Oct. 20 and was declared over on Jan. 12. In November 2020, the Manitoba government engaged an expert advisor to review this outbreak and provide feedback and recommendations.

The final external report made 17 recommendations for how to respond to the concerns identified and move forward. An implementation plan was created and 13 working groups were established with representatives from the regional health authorities, Shared Health, private and not-for-profit long-term care facilities, personal care home operators and personal care home associations.

Each working group was given short-, medium- or long-term timelines for planning and implementation of the recommendations established in the final report.

The minister noted that work on medium and long-term recommendations is still ongoing. It is expected that medium-term and long-term work will be completed by the end of December.

To view the progress update and for more information on the Maples Care Home COVID-19 outbreak and the provincial response, visit:

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