April 20, 2022
Flood Bulletin #7
– – –Province Provides Information on Potential Impact of Upcoming Precipitation System
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Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre is monitoring a potentially significant precipitation system that could bring 40 to 80 millimetres (mm) of precipitation over the upcoming weekend. The precipitation system may fall as a rain and snow mix bringing up to 30 centimetres (cm) of snow and the remainder (up to 50 mm) as rain in the central and southern Manitoba basins.
Weather models do not fully agree on the exact location, amount and timing of the precipitation system. However, confidence is high that most central and southern Manitoba basins, including the United States portions of the Red, Souris, Pembina and Roseau river basins, could receive 40 to 50 mm of precipitation with localized areas receiving up to 80 mm by April 24.
This new system comes on top of a significant precipitation event that impacted much of Manitoba’s southern and central basins last week.
Daily average temperatures are forecast to remain above zero until early next week for most parts of southern and central Manitoba.
These forecast temperatures along with forecast precipitations will create runoff in the coming days and levels will start rising on most southern and central basins. Overland flooding could occur in areas where the highest-intensity rainfall occurs. Peak flows on the Red and Assiniboine rivers and tributaries are not expected to arrive until late April to early May.
Flood forecasters will continue to monitor precipitation and collect data about snowfall amounts. Forecast flows and levels across the basins will be made available as the system continues to develop in the coming days.
The Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization continues to work with all local authorities and emergency management partners to provide guidance and support for both preparatory and response activities.
The most recent river forecast information can be found at www.gov.mb.ca/mit/floodinfo/index.html.
No additional road closures are expected due to high waters. For current highway conditions and road closures, call 511 or visit www.manitoba511.ca/en/.
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