News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

May 10, 2022

Manitoba Government Launches $1.5 Million Conservation and Climate Fund

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Green Initiatives Will Support the Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan and the Manitoba Economy: Wharton

The Manitoba government is now accepting applications for the Conservation and Climate Fund and has increased the size of the fund to $1.5 million, Environment, Climate and Parks Minister Jeff Wharton announced today.

“This fund will generate new green projects for a cleaner environment, climate adaptation and low-carbon economic growth, supporting emission reductions under our carbon savings account as well as economic recovery,” said Wharton. “By increasing the size of the fund, our government will be able to support even more green projects and initiatives.”

In 2021, the fund supported nine Manitoba organizations and projects ranging from converting waste into useable energy products, supporting composting and advancing zero emissions and active transportation, to climate adaptation of wetlands and nutrient reduction in the Lake Winnipeg basin.

The application criteria are based on pillars and keystones of the Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan. Grants will be available for selected projects that support current priorities and align with at least one of three categories: clean technology, water, nature and resilient landscapes.

Eligible applicants include incorporated non-profit organizations, academic and educational institutions, municipalities, businesses, northern and Indigenous communities.

The application intake is now live and will close on June 17.

For information and how to apply, visit

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