August 17, 2022
Manitoba Government Launches 45-Day Consultation Period on New Disability Support, Amended Assistance Regulations
– – –Manitobans Invited to Review and Provide Feedback on Proposed Regulations: Squires
The Manitoba government has released a draft of the new Disability Support Regulation, which defines key features of a new income support program for persons with severe and prolonged disabilities, Families Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. The minister also added both the related proposed amendments to the Assistance Regulation and the draft of the Disability Support Regulation have been released online and will be open for public consultation for 45 days.
“Manitoba is in the process of transforming income assistance in order to provide services that are better tailored to the specific needs of clients. This includes the development of a new income support program for persons with disabilities, in addition to a continued emphasis on assessing each client’s specific situation and needs,” said Squires. “We are now inviting all Manitobans to review the proposed regulations and provide their feedback.”
The draft regulations were developed following two rounds of public engagement, consultation with key community stakeholders and the feedback of a dedicated Community Advisory Committee. The Disability Support Regulation contains important information about the benefits available to clients of the new program and the amendments to the Assistance Regulation include the introduction of a new supportive planning incentive for people facing medical barriers to employment.
“The purpose of the Disability Support Regulation is to improve the well-being of persons with disabilities living in Manitoba. We really hope the public, particularly the disability community, will take some time to review the regulation and share their thoughts on the proposed improvements,” said Yvonne Peters, past chairperson of the Accessibility Advisory Council in Manitoba and Community Advisory Committee member. “Comments from persons with disabilities are very important and will help the regulation be the best that it can be.”
In addition to providing feedback through the Manitoba Regulatory Consultation Portal, Manitobans can register to attend a virtual or in-person engagement session by visiting https://engagemb.ca/manitoba-disability-community/survey_tools/income-support-program.
Alternative, accessible versions of the regulations are also available online at www.gov.mb.ca/fs/eia/disp.html or by emailing disabilitysupport@gov.mb.ca.
“It is critical that the voices of Manitobans with disabilities are heard and represented in this legislation and in the development of this new income support program,” said Malinda Roberts, co-chair, Disability Matters Vote. “We strongly encourage all people with disabilities and their families and friends to take the time to offer important feedback and perspective.”
To learn more about the Disability Support Regulation and Assistance Regulation and to provide comments, visit the Manitoba Regulatory Consultation Portal at https://reg.gov.mb.ca. Comments and feedback are invited through Oct. 3.
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