August 22, 2022
Manitoba Government Invites Applications for Intellectual Disability Issues Advisory Council
– – –Group Will Help Guide the Development of Effective Programs for Adults With an Intellectual Disability: Squires
Applications are now being accepted for the newly formed Intellectual Disability Issues Advisory (IDIA) Council, an initiative in support of the Manitoba government’s commitment to working together with community stakeholders to develop and implement programs that will better support Manitobans with an intellectual disability, Families Minister Rochelle Squires announced today.
“We invite qualified applicants for consideration for service on the IDIA, a group that will play a valuable role in shaping programs and services for Manitobans with an intellectual disability and their families,” said Squires. “The council will provide important insights as we continue to work toward implementing the recommendations made by the Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Task Force.”
Chaired by Heidi Wurmann, assistant deputy minister, Department of Families, the council will be composed of community representatives including:
- a representative of a service delivery organization;
- a representative of a disability advocacy organization;
- a family member of a Manitoban with an intellectual disability;
- two self-advocates, at least one of which must be an adult with an intellectual disability; and
- a representative of Indigenous stakeholders.
“The establishment of the advisory council is a positive step forward and will help ensure that recommendations in the Pathways to Dignity : Rights, Safeguards, Planning and Decision Making Report are implemented as intended by the task force,” said Dale Kendel, chair, Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Task Force. “The appointment of family members, self-advocates, and agency and community representatives is key to including informed opinions about The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act that impacts over 7,500 individuals with an intellectual disability in Manitoba.”
Manitobans are invited to apply until Sept. 30 at: www.gov.mb.ca/fs/idia.html.
In addition to the Intellectual Disability Issues Advisory Council, the Department of Families is also recruiting young Manitobans to join the Minister’s Youth Advisory Council until the end of August. Minister Squires is looking to hear directly from children and youth about their concerns, their ideas for improving services from the department, and to ensure their voices are reflected in government decisions.
More information on the Youth Advisory Council can be found at: www.gov.mb.ca/fs/youthcouncil/.