October 27, 2022
Province Advises Limited Interim Moose Hunt Scheduled in Duck and Porcupine Mountains
The province is dedicated to the conservation and preservation of Manitoba’s moose population while also recognizing that hunting moose is an important part of community traditions, food and way of life. The province respects that priority must be given to rights-based hunting.
Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development advises a limited interim moose hunting opportunity will take place from Oct. 31 to Dec. 12 in the Duck and Porcupine mountains. While moose in these areas are showing signs of recovery, a complete re-opening and return to unlimited harvest in these areas is not sustainable.
The moose population in Manitoba has faced challenges. Due to declining moose numbers, in 2011, the province closed the Duck and Porcupine mountains to all moose hunting in an effort to conserve the species.
Biological surveys conducted in the past five years have shown the moose population at Duck Mountain has increased and remained stable at Porcupine Mountain. Based on feedback received through a consultation process, the province is offering a limited interim moose hunting opportunity in the Duck and Porcupine mountains to eligible Indigenous communities. All hunters taking part in this opportunity are reminded to carry moose hunting authorization provided by the province.
A licensed moose hunting opportunity in these areas may be considered in the future as part of the province’s long-term shared management process.
To help the recovery of Manitoba’s moose populations, conservation closures remain in place in a number of locations. A list can be found here: https://gov.mb.ca/nrnd/fish-wildlife/pubs/fish_wildlife/moose-conservation-closure-map.pdf.
In addition to human impacts such as illegal hunting, a number of challenges have had a serious effect on the resurgence of Manitoba’s moose population including parasites and disease, habitat changes/loss, predation and climate change. The province has developed a document, Hard to Be a Moose in a Changing World, which examines these impacts. The document can be found here: https://gov.mb.ca/nrnd/fish-wildlife/pubs/fish_wildlife/hard-to-be-a-moose.pdf.
Additional information on the limited moose hunting opportunity can be found at: https://gov.mb.ca/nrnd/fish-wildlifeFACT_SHEET_2022_Limited_Interim_Moose_Hunting_Opportunity.pdf.
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