News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

November 10, 2022

Manitoba Government Establishes Education Council

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Council to Foster Co-operation, Collaboration to Strengthen Education System: Ewasko

The Manitoba government is establishing the Manitoba Education Council to take a provincewide approach to planning, implementing and monitoring Manitoba’s K to 12 Education Action Plan and is issuing a call for applications from members of the public wishing to join in this work, Education and Early Childhood Learning Minister Wayne Ewasko announced today.

“The Manitoba Education Council will give members of the public, education partners and others an opportunity to share knowledge, experience and perspectives to enhance student achievement and well-being, with a focus on the initiatives within the action plan as well as creating a forum to discuss and plan for broader issues within the education system,” said Ewasko. “We are reaching out to the education system, Indigenous leaders and intersectoral partners to recommend individuals to join the council. We are also issuing a call for applications for parents or caregivers of students in kindergarten to Grade 12 publicly funded schools to join this group to share perspectives.”

In April, the Manitoba government released its kindergarten to Grade 12 education action plan in response to the recommendations of the Manitoba Commission on Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education. The commission was clear the recommendations outlined in its report would only be accomplished if all educational partners work together, the minister noted, adding the education council will be a mechanism to foster that collaboration and co-ordination.

The education council will include a diverse membership representing Manitoba’s broad education sector, Indigenous leadership, students and parents. A provincial implementation team will be established to support this work, comprised of representatives from Manitoba’s 37 school divisions.

The education council will:

  • provide strategic guidance on the implementation of Manitoba’s K to 12 Education Action Plan;
  • create a forum to raise, discuss and plan for issues facing children, families, teachers, school staff and early childhood educators;
  • advise on how student achievement and well-being can be improved; and
  • promote intersectoral engagement, collaboration and partnership.

More information for parents or caregivers wishing to apply for a role on the council is available at

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