January 24, 2023
Manitoba Government Commemorates International Day of Education
– – –Province Introduces Global Competencies as part of Framework for Learning, Releases What We Heard Report from Elders and Knowledge Keepers in Schools Symposium: Ewasko
The Manitoba government continues making significant progress on educational initiatives designed to ensure all Manitoba students succeed, no matter where they live, their background or individual circumstances, Education and Early Childhood Minister Wayne Ewasko announced today.
“Today is the fifth annual International Day of Education, with the theme to invest in people and prioritize education,” said Ewasko. “We are honoured to commemorate the day by highlighting some of our government’s investments to enhance the province’s education system.”
The minister noted the Framework for Learning, the blueprint on which essential elements of learning and teaching in Manitoba is organized, continues to be developed as part of Manitoba’s K to 12 Education Action Plan.
Since the Framework for Learning was introduced in the spring of 2022, teachers and school division leaders have been engaged in work supporting curriculum renewal and alignment. The Curriculum Advisory Panel, made up of diverse stakeholders, continues to support and provide focused feedback on the framework and its components. To support further implementation, additional regional engagement sessions will be held throughout the winter and spring, noted the minister.
In alignment with current research, the Manitoba government is shifting to a global competencies approach with literacy and numeracy at the core. The six competencies are creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, connection to self, and citizenship. The global competencies will be used in each subject area and included in all Manitoba curricular documents.
“Enhancing literacy and numeracy is and must be at the centre of all our collective efforts to ensure all students succeed,” said Ewasko.
The minister also highlighted the release of the What We Heard report summarizing feedback from participants at the inaugural Elders and Knowledge Keepers in Schools Symposium, held in November 2022 to promote shared and collective community learning surrounding the initiative.
“The symposium demonstrated the significant impact that Elders and Knowledge Keepers are making for students and we look forward to continuing this important work,” said Ewasko.
The Elders and Knowledge Keepers in Schools Initiative supports students, educators, families and caregivers to learn First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories, cultures, traditional values, languages, contemporary lifestyles and traditional knowledge systems across all learning environments.
The initiative was piloted in 33 schools in early 2022 to increase school division capacity for respectful and relational partnerships with Elders and Knowledge Keepers. The successful initiative was then expanded with an additional investment of $1.6 million to support provincewide implementation this school year, noted the minister.
“I found attending the Elders and Knowledge Keepers in Schools Symposium a valuable experience,” said Dan Ward, superintendent of schools/CEO, Garden Valley School Division. “The teachings that were shared support the authentic involvement of Elders and Knowledge Keepers in our schools to ensure all students in Manitoba learn First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories, cultures and knowledge. Witnessing what schools are already doing through piloting this initiative strengthens our capacity to carry out this critical work in support of truth and reconciliation.”
For more information on the Framework for Learning visit: https://edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/framework/index.html.
To read the What We Heard report on the Elders and Knowledge Keepers in Schools Symposium visit: https://edu.gov.mb.ca/iid/elders.html.
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