November 16, 2023
Legislative Building Doors Open to Welcome Manitobans to Kick Off Holiday Season
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After years of virtual celebrations and cancellations, the Manitoba government is inviting all Manitobans to visit the Legislative Building for the 2023 holiday open house, Premier Wab Kinew announced today.
“The open house is a long-standing tradition that welcomes Manitobans to the Legislative Building –the people’s building,” said Kinew. “All are welcome to meet the elected officials who have the privilege of representing Manitobans year-round as we celebrate the start of the holiday season together.”
The open house will take place on Dec. 2 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Legislature Building, free of charge and welcome to all.
Attendees are invited to bring non-perishable food items in support of the Christmas Cheer Board, said Kinew.
The event will also be livestreamed at https://news.gov.mb.ca for those wishing to celebrate virtually.
For more information on the holiday open house, visit https://manitoba.ca/leg_open_house.
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