News Releases

Media Bulletin - Manitoba

November 24, 2023

Standing Hearing for Inquest into Death of Marlon Whincup

A standing hearing will take place to determine who can participate in the upcoming inquest into the death of Marlon Whincup of Marius, born on July 15, 1990. 

On Dec. 15, 2021, in the Municipality of Westlake-Gladstone, Whincup was acting erratically and wielding a machete. During attempts to subdue him, RCMP discharged a firearm and hit Whincup in the neck and chest. RCMP initiated resuscitation attempts and called Emergency Medical Services (EMS). EMS performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Whincup but he was pronounced dead at the scene. 

Under the Fatality Inquiries Act, an inquest has been called by the chief medical examiner. Inquests explore the circumstances and events leading to deaths for the purpose of finding out what, if anything, might be done to prevent similar deaths in the future. 

Before the inquest begins, the judge will decide who can participate in the process and question witnesses. Individuals and groups may make an application to be granted standing and participate in the inquest. Those interested in applying for standing should contact Katherine Bueti, inquest counsel, at 204-560-5001 or by Dec. 26. 

The standing hearing will be held at 1 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2024, in the Amaranth Community Hall, 204 Kinosota Rd. North, Amaranth. 

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