March 26, 2024
Fire Bulletin #1
As spring arrives, the Manitoba Wildfire Service advises widespread dry conditions may lead to a higher wildfire danger across the province and a risk of grass and brush fires in open areas as snow melts. The forecast for the next few weeks is primarily quite dry, with the possible exception of southeastern Manitoba. Continued dry conditions can cause deeper burning fires that require more suppression to extinguish. Conditions will be monitored over the next few weeks, and fire danger levels will be calculated when forested areas are snow free.
Most spring fires are caused by human activity as matted grass and dry dead vegetation can be easily ignited. This can lead to fast-moving wildfires, especially on windy days. No burn or travel restrictions are currently in place, but Manitobans are reminded to avoid wildfire areas and watch for road and trail closures or detour signs. Where backcountry travel is permitted, ATV operators are asked to stay on developed trails, stop frequently to check around the engine and exhaust for debris, and carefully dispose of any debris found. Operators should be prepared and carry a fire extinguisher, axe and shovel to extinguish a small fire.
Provincial burning permits are required for outdoor fires set within the burn permit area from April 1 to Nov. 15 annually. Permits are available at provincial district offices. Provincial burn permits issued under the Wildfires Act may be cancelled or restricted on short notice if fire danger conditions warrant. The province will not issue burning permits for areas where municipalities have implemented burning restrictions. To check for municipal burning restrictions, visit https://gov.mb.ca/wildfire/burn_conditions.html.
For more information, contact a local municipality or Manitoba Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources office. Burn permit holders should check weather conditions, have adequate suppression equipment and ensure proper fuel breaks are in place before burning. Never leave an outdoor fire unattended, always extinguish it before leaving and exercise caution around forested areas.
For Manitoba Wildfire Service situation updates, restrictions and other important wildfire links, visit https://gov.mb.ca/wildfire/. To report a wildfire, call 911 or the TIP line (toll-free) at 1-800-782-0076.
Manitobans can play a critical role in mitigating the wildfire risk around their properties through FireSmart activities: https://firesmartcanada.ca/.
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