April 22, 2024
Manitoba Government Celebrates Earth Day by Restoring Funding to Environmental Non-Profit Organizations
– – –Renewed Funding to Three Organization Supports Action on Climate Change: Schmidt
On Earth Day 2024, the Manitoba government is restoring funding to three environmental non-profit organizations to help take tangible action on climate change, Environment and Climate Change Minister Tracy Schmidt announced today.
“Manitobans are seeing the impacts of climate change first-hand and they want to know that our province is doing it’s part to protect our air, land, and water for future generations,” said Schmidt. “Instead of taking action on climate change, the previous government cut funding to organizations doing important work to reduce emissions and protect our environment. We’re restoring that funding.”
The three organizations are:
- Climate Change Connection
- Green Action Centre
- Manitoba Eco-Network
Climate Change Connection received $100,000 to advance awareness, capacity building and action on climate change across Manitoba.
“This support is so important, not just for Climate Change Connection but for the people of Manitoba,” said Curt Hull, project director, Climate Change Connection. “There is a real need and desire amongst Manitobans for more education about climate change and what solutions look like. This support enables us to expand our outreach and connect with more people.”
A grant of $230,000 for the Green Action Centre will help advance climate action on adaptation planning, the circular economy, active transportation and outreach initiatives across Manitoba.
“Green Action Centre is grateful for the provincial funding being restored to the organization, as it will help us to amplify and promote the work we do,” said Josep Seras Gubert, executive director, Green Action Centre. “We truly believe the only way to fight climate change and its destructive impacts is through collective action. Going green can be done at home, school, or at our workplaces, through composting, riding the bus or buying energy efficient appliances, but in order to do this at an accelerated pace and have a bigger impact, we require support and resources. Earth Day is a day to celebrate and demonstrate support for climate actions and solutions. We look forward to working with the Manitoba government to continue to find ways to reduce the province's emissions while improving Manitobans’ lives.”
The Manitoba Eco-Network received $60,000 to help further inner-city climate adaptation work in Winnipeg through the Climate Safe, Green City project.
“The Manitoba Eco-Network appreciates the project funding received for our Climate Safe, Green City project,” said Lindsay Robinson, board chair, Manitoba Eco-Network. “We hope this is the first of many future opportunities for collaboration between the environmental community and government.”
To learn more about Earth Day, visit www.un.org/en/observances/earth-day.
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