May 16, 2024
Manitoba Government Invests In Local Office For Moose Hide Campaign
– – –Grassroots Movement Supports Communities to Respond to Gender-based and Intimate Partner Violence: Premier
The Manitoba government is providing up to $250,000 to support the Moose Hide Campaign to set up a local office in Manitoba, Premier Wab Kinew, minister responsible for Indigenous reconciliation, announced today.
“We are committed to ending gender-based violence in Manitoba, and we know that men and boys have a critical role to play in that work,” said Kinew. “Our government is proud to support the work of the Moose Hide Campaign to address violence against women and children, and we are pleased to welcome them to our province.”
The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement that engages men and boys and supports communities to respond to gender-based and intimate partner violence. The movement began in British Columbia and has grown to include annual campaigns in over 2,000 organizations and communities across Canada. The organization creates and gifts small square moose hide pins, which are worn to demonstrate a commitment to ending violence against women and children. More than 6 million moose hide pins have been distributed to date.
“We know the powerful impact that engaging boys and men has in ending violence against women and girls, and we’re incredibly pleased to partner with the government of Manitoba to expand our work in the province," said Raven Lacerte, co-founder, Moose Hide Campaign. "The moose hide pin is a tangible and practical way to show your commitment to take action in honour of women and children everywhere, and as a symbol of honouring Indigenous medicine and belonging.”
Funding will support the establishment of a Manitoba office for the campaign in Winnipeg, the premier noted, and will also be used to recruit, hire and train new staff, as well as develop public awareness materials.
Organizers led a walk to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights at noon today to take a stand against gender-based and domestic violence and recognize Moose Hide Campaign Day.
The premier noted the campaign’s objectives align with the Manitoba government’s commitment to end violence against missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls and the Calls for Justice of the national inquiry.
To learn more about the Moose Hide Campaign, visit https://moosehidecampaign.ca/.
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