News Releases

Media Bulletin - Manitoba

June 19, 2024

Province Advises of Upcoming Highway Closure

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Section of Trans-Canada Highway Closed to Traffic from June 24 to 28

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) will be closing the Trans-Canada Highway in the Rural Municipality of Headingley from Provincial Road (PR) 334 to 0.8 kilometres west of PR 334 from June 24 at 6:30 a.m. until June 28 at 9 p.m.

This closure is part of the reconstruction of the Trans-Canada Highway which includes road and Canadian Pacific Kansas City railway improvements consisting of the installation of new railway tracks, railway signals, and the widening of the rail crossing in addition to surface improvements.

Westbound and eastbound lanes will be closed to traffic. A detour will be put in place to allow construction to be completed more quickly. Westbound traffic will be detoured off the Trans-Canada Highway onto Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 100 to PTH 3 then onto PTH 2. Motorists will then travel on PR 248 north back to the Trans-Canada Highway. Eastbound traffic will be detoured off the Trans-Canada Highway onto PTH 13 to PTH 2, then onto PTH 3 before merging back onto the Trans-Canada Highway.

Most commercial vehicles are permitted on the detour, however, long combination vehicles will be limited to travelling in the daylight hours. MTI staff will be set up on PTH 2 to ensure the safe movement of these vehicles.

Up-to-date information on highway conditions, including detours, restrictions and road closures, is available at or by calling 511.

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