News Releases

News Release - Manitoba

January 30, 2025

Manitoba Government Helps Put Local Businesses on the Map

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Funds Will Help Manitoba Businesses Prepare for Economic Challenges: Moses

In advance of potential U.S. tariffs coming into effect, the Manitoba government is investing $86,000 through its Export Support Programming to assist 19 small and medium-sized Manitoba companies expand the export of their products and services into more diversified markets, announced Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation Minister Jamie Moses. 

“With the threat of U.S. tariffs looming, we know it’s a crucial time to support Manitoba companies market their products to a global audience,” said Moses. “Our Export Support Programming helps local small and medium-sized businesses put their Manitoba products and services on the global stage, which creates good jobs at home. During a critical and uncertain time for trade with the U.S. and other countries, we are proud to provide this important opportunity for local businesses to reach beyond our borders.” 

Export Support Programming provides financial assistance to Manitoba small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in trade shows or missions outside of the province, with the goal of expanding existing or entering new export markets, noted the minister. 

For 2024-25, the Manitoba government awarded funding to 19 small and medium-sized companies with the industries represented including agriculture, manufacturing, education and bio-environmental. 

“The Export Support Programming has been advantageous to our growing business,” said Derek Hird, owner, Evolution Wheel. “It has helped us get into three times as many trade shows this year and we’re already seeing that pay off. We’re not only growing our current customer base but we’re also bringing in new clients thanks to all the extra exposure.” 

To learn more about how Export Support Programming helps companies enter new markets and provides opportunities for education, developing relationships, contacts and sales, visit:

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